Very excitingly, I was asked to present the Elora, Part Two, and Wear Two Collections at RAC Club in a Fashion Show format at Epsom to approximately 100 lovely ladies. This is a fantastic way to showcase the clothes and, although it’s a lot of hard work, it’s totally worth it to see clients’ happy faces enjoying the clothes styled into outfits. What an amazing venue!

The models I chose to showcase the Collections were my friends and friends of friends, including the lovely Tony who modelled the Menswear Capsule collection. We had lots of variation in heights, body shapes, and proportions as well as style personalities. I tried to demonstrate how one outfit suits more than one body shape. Sorry you couldn’t be there to watch, but the next best thing is you can see all this from the photos.

I’ll be doing two more fashion shows this season if you want to see things live. There are still some tickets available at both venues:
- April 18th at Epsom Racecourse in aid of the Queen Elizabeth Foundation #QEF:
- From 10 am to 1 pm for shopping and
- From 1 pm to 4 pm with a fashion show curated by me and a talk on Cecil Beaton by Hugo Vickers… A great day out… Tickets available on the #QEF website: QEF Spring Lunch
A great day out… Tickets available on the #QEF website: QEF Spring Lunch
- April 25th at #theliqsclub from 7:30 pm. Tickets available from The LIQS CLUB website: The LIQS CLUB Fashion Show Evening with Carole Ann Geddes
A good time was had by all. If interested in any of the clothes, please message me, and I can arrange for you to see in real life: Contact Carole Ann
Carole Ann (truly).