I have a few memories of doing sponsored walks and collecting coins by shaking a tin on streets from a young age, as I grew up in a family which was willing to give to others. It was part of my upbringing and something must have stayed with me .
Of course now I understand its important to choose charities where you know the money will be fully spent and wisely . I only run a small business but I do believe its important to give back when you can.
Im part of many communities (eg the local community and the fashion community) and wherever you look help is needed , goals need to achieved.
So I have affiliations to charities whose causes are close to my heart .
- Breast Cancer Now -wear it pink
- Alzeheimers Society
- Their Future Today (Sri Lankan Charity)
- Jeans for Genes
- Riannas Fund
- James Jars of Gifts
- British Fashion Council charity.
- Captain Tom Moore NHS charity appeal
- Children in Need
- Comic/Sport Relief
The French Clothes company I work with supports charity too and that allows me to be more generous with what I can give. I believe every small donation is a step to help someone achieve a goal and so I try to make it easy for the customer. There are usually 2 ways they can make a difference. Clients can come ( for real or virtually) to one of my events and donate in order to win a raffle prize, or they can buy clothes and I will donate a percentage of my profit. Even in lockdown I raised £405 for Wear it Pink ~Breast Cancer Awareness, I’m proud of all my clients who contributed to this amount.
Anyone wishing to raise money for charity can choose their own favourite charity and invite their friends to join in an event. I will simply donate the total accumulated to that charity. Even when things are really tough there will always be someone in more need than me and that’s what drives me to give back on behalf of my clients.
Do you have a favourite charity you want to support? Get in contact with me and together we can raise some funds for it.
Carole Ann (truly)